crystal jewelry

I’m so excited to finally share something I’ve been working on for months- I launched my own brand! Specifically a crystal jewelry brand and I wanted to share with you, why I started it, what pieces are available and an overview on crystal healing energy. If you think it’s all fluff, that’s totally fine, but hopefully you love the aesthetic of the pieces and if you find they bring good energy, it’s just a bonus!


2020 was the worst, amiright?

For me, there was a major life change that occurred in lockdown – my apartment was making me sick. The problem was, I couldn’t leave it. I ended up super depressed and was searching for a way to make myself feel better. I came across Joe Dispenza’s books and went down a rabbit hole of meditation, journaling and pulling out crystals I had from the prior year that I picked up from a crystal shop in LA. I didn’t know exactly how to work with them, I just knew I needed all the good energy I could get.

Long story short, one year later I have moved cross country, manifested my dream home, gained financial stability, and have even beat some health issues. I wouldn’t give crystals all the credit, but they are definitely a part of my journey. Little did I know I was being guided down a path to share this crystal energy with others.

I made a few crystal necklaces for myself so I could carry the energy with me everywhere and after receiving tons of requests from people across all of my platforms including instagram, youtube and tiktok, I decided to go down the road of launching my own online store where I could make crystal jewelry on a larger scale and share it with the world. Hence By Glam Latte was born.


Created in the earth by various combinations of gases, pressure, molten minerals, water vapor, erosion and liquid magma, crystals take difference appearances depending on how fast or slow they cool over eons of time.

Crystals are piezo-electronic which means when they undergo some type of mechanical stress they emit a frequency. They are also reverse piezo-electronic which means if you already have an electric voltage and you put it into the crystal, the crystal will sustain the voltage. This is why we use them in electronics such a clocks, cell phones, printers, stoves, radios, and all kinds of telecommunications.

Our bodies are bioelectric organisms. Our thoughts, our heartbeat, are all impulses of electricity. By bringing an object into our bioelectric sphere, we put our bioelectric frequency into a crystal oscillator which then emits a frequency back that specific to that crystals material properties. What those properties are, we interpret as ‘calm’ ‘love’ ‘abundance’ and other properties.


For my first launch I wanted to make pieces in a variety of crystals so that I could cover an array of energies that you may need. Below is a list of the various crystals and some of their properties so you can choose something that fits with the energy you are looking to. The collections include a Zodiac Collection and a Birth Chart Collection which are customizable bracelets for your zodiac signs as well as your sun moon and rising signs. The gold versions contain 18k gold plated charms and of course all crystals are 100% genuine gemstones.

For the necklaces I created the Intentions Collection with one type of stone, the Manifestation Collection which has one stone plus accent stones and the Alignment Collection which has 3 types of stones. They all have edgy zinc alloy clasps that come in a variety of finishes depending on the style.

I also created a collection of Pet Charms for your fur babies that cover protection, health and anxiety and stress. They make great gifts!

I will be expanding the offerings down the road, but for now, this is where this journey begins. If you pick up any of the pieces, please tag me on social media so I can repost! #BYGLAMLATTE.

Thank you so much for all your support and I hope the jewelry will bring you as much joy and love as I have making it.

crystal jewelry


Also known as milky or snow quartz, it has similar properties of clear quartz. One of the most powerful stones available, often referred to as a ‘master healer’. Excellent for concentration as it improves mental clarity, enabling one to focus and think clearly. Amplifies the energies of other stones and can be programmed to manifest any intention.


The stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart to promote love of oneself and others. Promotes healthy and harmonious relationships of all kinds, and can be an effective stone for attracting new love. Strengthens qualities of patience and sensitivity, and aids the acceptance of necessary change.

Other benefits: fertility, calming, heals addiction and breakups.


A high energy stone that restores vitality and increases motivation. Stimulates creativity and brings out undiscovered talents. Gives one the self-confidence and willpower to achieve success in business and other pursuits. Known as a love talisman. 

Other benefits: Stability, grounding, regulates menstrual cycle, heals heartbreak

crystal jewelry


A protective stone that guards one from negative energy and psychic attacks. Accelerates the development of psychic abilities and intuition. Effective in overcoming addictions and compulsive behaviors, bringing self-awareness and healing.

Having this crystal on or near you, raises your vibration, and stimulates the third eye, crown and etheric chakras, opening you up to the higher realms and cosmos, and guiding one through spiritual awakenings. This crystal can guide one through astral realms, and enlighten one to deep cosmic knowledge.

Other benefits: promotes calm and inner peace, decisiveness, healing, removes negativity


Helps one rapidly manifest prosperity, abundance, and career success. Beneficial stone for those in leadership positions as it promotes qualities of authenticity, confidence, and decisiveness. Heals painful emotions, particularly those experienced during childhood.

Other benefits: Stone of opportunity, healing, luck, love, self confidence, fertility, heals addiction


An extremely calming and soothing stone that allows one to enter a deep meditative state allowing for spiritual growth. Brings greater gentleness, empathy, and compassion when dealing with others and relieves feelings of frustration and impatience. The sharpness and awareness it provides is a great tool for calming the mind and lowering anxiety. Aides with insomnia and stress.

Other benefits: Communication, inspiration, creativity, artistic expression.

White Howlite Amethyst necklace

crystal jewelry


A stone of truth, courage, and communication. Empowers one to express their true thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment from others. Helps one establish a healthy sense of self-worth and reduces tendencies to self-neglect, especially in women.

Other benefits: happiness, success, good luck, improves relationships, prosperity, abundance, hope and courage. 


A very effective grounding stone, helping one feel safe, secure, and purposeful. Protective against psychic attacks, spells, evil spirits, and negative energy. It is recommended to be worn by anyone living or working in uncomfortable and negative environments.


A protection stone, shields not only the physical body, but guards against negative forces or entities, energy vampires and people projecting anger and aggression. Also helps in overcoming the struggles of life and keeps you filled up with the grounding energy so that you don’t fall back in the pattern of highs and lows of life. Protects against viral and bacterial infection, parasitic infestation, and associated illnesses.

Other benefits: promotes creativity, encourages ambition and manifestation, removes fear and anxiety

crystal jewelry


Grounds and stimulates the root chakra. Allows you to find more stability by healing any energetic wounds. It also amplifies your magnetic frequency and allows you to manifest more effectively. Enhances courage and boldness, and is said to be very beneficial for women who are timid and afraid of speaking their truth. Great for calming an overactive and scattered mind. Believed to relieve chronic pain as it maintains the charge of nerve cells in the body.

Other benefits: fertility, calming, heals addiction and breakups.


A powerful stone of self-transformation and manifestation that amplifies positive and negative energies. When placed on the third eye chakra, it can assist in receiving insights from the subconscious mind. Eases heartache and promotes deep emotional healing. A protection stone, absorbing negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. Boosts the immune system.

crystal pet charmscrystal pet charms


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