Spring Beauty Must Haves // Body Skin Care

skin careIn case you missed parts one and two of my spring beauty must haves, I covered face products and makeup. You should go check those out, if you haven’t already for some really great stuff. Today we are talking about products for the body.

Now is the time to start getting ready for the summer, which means  exfoliating all the winter cracks and deep hydration. Here are several skin care products in no particular order, that are really good for the body that I have recently tried. I am passing on my experience with you so you don’t waste your time trying a bunch of skin care products that don’t work! Each and every product here is great and I am using them all on a regular.

1. Prtty Peaushun:  (pronounced like potion) This body lotion contains light reflecting particles that give you a really flattering glow. It conceals minor imperfections and gives a slimmer silhouette. I really really love this stuff! Wear it to the beach, wear it with shorts, rock a mini…this summer you don’t have to be  afraid to show your legs! If you have more pronounced imperfections I would recommend getting a darker shade. I tried medium but wish I had something darker because I use  self tanner. This is used by celebs including Gwyneth Paltrow and Cate Blanchette and Cameron Diaz among others for their perfect red carpet glow (a little secret weapon!) Overall I give this lotion 2 thumbs up a must have for the warm weather months!

2. Vita Liberata Luxury Tan: (Pictured in Medium and Dark) I don’t like to sit in the sun for long periods of time but I don’t like to be pale, which is am a self tanning junkie. I like to do it myself but it can be a pain when you have to apply it several times a week to maintain the color. I like this product because it gives you a strong color, it lasts, it doesn’t smell and it fades perfectly without breaking up on your skin. The only thing I will advise, the directions say don’t use lotion on your skin first, however I didn’t feel like the product moved on my skin as well when I didn’t. Try it both ways and see what you think, maybe it’s just me. But either way this is a great tanner to give you that I-just-stepped-off-the-plane-from-Fiji look!

3. Coola Sport Sunscreen: (SPF 30) These days you shouldn’t leave the house without applying sunscreen, however who wants to smell like the beach and feel sticky when their going to work? I really liked this sunscreen for a few reasons: it’s made with organic ingredients, it goes on like lotion, hydrates without being sticky or heavy and it comes in yummy scents like plumeria and citrus mimosa. (In case you missed it, I talked about their tinted moisturizer in the part 2 makeup post) If you prefer no scent they also have unscented (pictured above) This is also great for the beach or pool because it’s waterproof.

4. Bare Love Body: Speaking of hydrating, this lotion is awesome. You need very little to get maximum hydration and it especially helps the areas that tend to get really dry like elbows, knees and feet. I do wish this product was in a bigger bottle. Right now we are in a transitional time and as the weather gets warm my skin tends to need extra lotion and I used this stuff up pretty quick. My skin is pretty happy though! (I also reviewed their face cream in part 1 and lip cream in part 2)

skin care

5. Lierac Body-Slim: (Destock night) There are a lot of creams that claim to rid us of cellulite to no avail, but this one actually works. Is it a miracle cream? No, you won’t see all your cellulite gone over night, but if you use it consistently every night you will see those stubborn dimples fade. You simply rub it on your legs and butt or any other area and then go to sleep and it helps fight the fat while you sleep. I’ve been using it for a week and I can already see it helps.

6. Bodycology Moisturizing Body Lotion: (In Cherish the Moment) If you are into pretty smelling lotions like I am, then you will like this stuff. It won’t break the bank, it smells really good and it lasts a long time. I usually layer this over my everyday lotion so I can smell pretty.

7. Bodycology Fragrance Mist: (In Cherish the Moment) I usually accompany this with the lotion, particularly when I don’t need heavy perfume, like when I’m running errands. I just spray it on when my lotion dries and get dressed. Sometimes I even spray it again over my clothes.

8. DermaDoctor KP Duty: This is dermatologist body scrub with chemical + physical medi-exfoliation. It sounds like serious business and I suppose it is, but when you’re using it, it doesn’t feel that way. It feels like a luxurious scrub you would find at the spa and it is super gritty so it really works well. I personally find most scrubs don’t have enough grit to really work – not the case with this one. It even works well on super dry areas like the heels of my feet.

If you’ve tried any of these skin care products I want to hear from you! Did you share a positive experience? I’d also love to know if you have some favorites you use to get summer ready! Comment, email, instagram or tweet at me!

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